About Us

Beau ChanceWe at Moonlair acquired our first Akita in 1982. Oji Iwa scored a 5 point major on his first weekend out. He became a brother to our 1.5 year old male bouvier, Beau Chance and protector to our best friend's first born child Greg.

Bro ShotHis Successor Yetti Yezo Inu, did not enjoy the "show" circuit. So we taught him to track and pull a travois. He became our dear companion for 11 years. Left is a picture of Beau and Yezo together.

Kodiak Dr. Q MD Marvelous Dog

Our "Cary Grant of Dogs", Sho-N-Tel's Kodiak followed with his pet therapist bouvier brother "Q".

With this legacy, we embarked on breeding. We spent 2 years researching lines and breeders for the qualities we desire to reproduce and hopefully improve upon. And like a winery, the vines don't bear fruit right away. Or as in this case, for a minimum of 2 years till all their genetic testing is complete. Please visit our Planned Breedings page for more details.